
Testimonial, Alex Reiche - Tutukaka, Northland

Alex Reiche takes us through the journey of his stunning home, nestled in a truly remarkable location. From concept to completion, hear how Formance SIPs helped bring his vision to life, providing the perfect balance of comfort, energy efficiency, and modern style.

Testimonial, Doug Pflaum - Christchurch

Doug Pflaum shares the story of his stunning home, set in an incredible location. From vision to reality, hear what makes this so unique and how building with Formance SIPs delivered the comfort, efficiency and style he was looking for!

Testimonial - Craig & Sarah, Kaiapoi

"It's like living in a chilly bin- not an always cold chilly bin, but it's just so well insulated that it's almost independent of the temperature outside" - Craig

Formance Build Tour, Stealth Construction

Why should we consider SIPs instead of Sticks?

Hear CEO & Founder, Nick Hubbard explaining SIPs and why it's time to consider building better homes in New Zealand. 

Formance from the builder's perspective

"These buildings are absolutely flying up" - Nelson Vining - Meridian Construction

Testimonial - Alan & Val, Nelson

"So we moved in just at the end of winter - We had some cold days and nights where it was 7°c, 8°c, 9°c overnight and the coldest it's been in this house is probably about 19°c!" - Allan & Val

Testimonial - Heather & Noel Birch, Christchurch

"We wanted a warm house, we wanted something that would enable us to stay here as we got older and older. The main reason we chose Formance was because of the insulation factors and the fact it was all pre-done and went up easily and quickly" - Heather Birch

Testimonial, Andrew Allen - Kaipara

"The feel of your place, you'll love it. It's strong, it's warm and it's dry. If you haven't considered it you should, and if you consider if you'll probably build with it " - Andrew Allen

Testimonial - Rob McIntyre, Waiheke Island

"A couple of things – we absolutely love our new home, it is so warm and solid.  Our power bills are approx. 40- 60% less than our last home which was a new build as well.  We always knew it would be warm but it is the overall solidness of the house that was the real surprise, our site is pretty exposed and you literally would not know if there is a storm outside.

We would never build in any other way ever again (and this is our 3rd new build so we know a few things about the process)." - Rob

Project Timelapse - South Hornby, Christchurch

Next-generation learning environment being built quickly in Christchurch with Formance SIPs. High-performance panels were pre-assembled for rapid installation times on this school in Christchurch New Zealand. Time-lapse cameras catch all the action over three days showing just how quickly a new school can come together.