Find out more about energy efficient home building
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Why Passive House Isn't For Everyone
Introduction Passive House design is widely recognized as the gold standard for energy-efficient homes, offering ultra-low energy use, superior comfort, and long-term sustainability.
Green Financing for Property Developers in New Zealand
Green Financing Options for Property Developers in New ZealandThe landscape of property development in New Zealand is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by an increasing emphasis on environmental sustainability.
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Choosing the right foam for SIPs
Choosing the Right Rigid Foam for Structural Insulated Panels: A Technical Guide When it comes to selecting rigid foams for Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs), it's important to understand the different foam…
What thickness of SIP panels should I use?
Optimising Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) Performance with the Right ThicknessAt Formance, our Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) system is designed to deliver high-performance, energy-efficient buildings across New Zealand.
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H1 Insulation Changes & SIPs
How H1 Insulation Changes NZ Impact Energy Efficiency – And Why SIPs Are the Future Understanding MBIE’s Proposed Insulation Changes for 2024The Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) has proposed…
Do I need a special architect or designer for my SIP home?
Designing your dream home with Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) often raises a key question: “Do I need a special architect or designer for this?” While the answer is no, understanding…
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Can I Make My Own SIP Panels?
The idea of creating your own Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) might seem like an appealing DIY project. However, attempting to manufacture them yourself comes with significant challenges and risks.
Should SIPs be the material of choice for Retirement Villages?
Retirement village development is a bustling sector of construction, with increasing demand for better homes that prioritize comfort, efficiency, and long-term sustainability.
Read more about 'Should SIPs be the material of choice for Retirement Villages?'...
What to look for in a SIP supplier
What to Look for in a SIP Supplier Choosing the right Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) supply partner is essential to ensure your building project’s success, and the long term performance of…
Formance SIPs Site Tour Video - Paraparaumu, Wellington
Join us for an inside look at a Formance SIPs home under construction in Paraparaumu, Wellington.
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Are you getting much of a thermal upgrade using 140mm vs 90mm timber wall framing?
When it comes to building a warmer, more energy-efficient home, many homeowners naturally assume that upgrading from 90mm to 140mm timber framing is a major improvement.
What are the Fire Ratings of SIPs?
Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) have gained widespread popularity in modern construction due to their superior insulation, strength, and ease of installation.