Nick Hubbard

Posts by Nick Hubbard for Learn More

Tell me more about Polystyrene

“How can Formance SIPs be eco-friendly if you use EPS (expanded polystyrene)? Fair question, after all, polystyrene is up there with coal-fired power stations in most people’s minds when it comes…

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Technical Topics

Design fundamentals for a Formance homeDesign for less sun. Formance homes will be highly insulated compared with a traditional framed home.

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The Formance Design and Supply Process

Formance Design ProcessThe process for designing with Formance should be familiar to you as it follows similar steps to framed construction.

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Remarkable Energy Savings

How much energy will my new home require to maintain a warm and comfortable environment year-round? Obviously a lot less with Formance, but wouldn't it be nice to know just how…

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Designing With Formance

We often get asked “will Formance work for my house design?”. The answer is inevitably yes.

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Designing To Your Budget

Designing to budget is a critical element of any building project. It’s important to note that, above all, the design and specification of your home sets the price.

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The New Home Build Process

You have a vision for a new home; you may even have land and concept designs.

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The Numbers

Yes, the energy savings, strength, comfort, and health benefits of using Formance are easily appreciated.

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A Better Method

We guess you are here because you're looking at options to move beyond traditional framed construction.

Read more about 'A Better Method'...

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