SIP Compliance: Ensuring Approved Panels Are Used in Construction

Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) are becoming an increasingly popular building solution due to their superior performance in insulation, airtightness, and structural strength. However, not all SIPs are created equal. There have been situations recently where alternative SIP products have been used for construction, despite Formance documentation and CodeMark certification being used to obtain building consent. This presents significant compliance risks and potential liability for Building Consent Authorities (BCAs).

The Risks of Non-Certified SIPs

  1. Structural Uncertainty – Alternative SIPs cannot rely on the tested and proven structural values of Formance panels. Without proper testing and certification, these panels may not meet the required performance standards, leading to potential failures under load.

    • Glue Bond Strength – Formance panels undergo regular bond strength testing to ensure the integrity of the laminated panel. If substituted SIPs fail in this regard, delamination or structural failure could occur.

    • Bracing Performance – Formance SIPs have been tested for bracing capacities through P21 tests, ensuring compliance with structural performance requirements. Other SIP systems may not have undergone this level of testing, potentially compromising the lateral stability of a building.

  2. Non-Compliance with the NZBC – Formance SIPs are CodeMark certified, meaning they have undergone extensive testing and must be accepted as demonstrating compliance with the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC). Substituting uncertified SIPs removes this assurance, leaving the structure in a non-compliant state.

  3. Increased Risk for Councils – It is the responsibility of BCAs to ensure that the product installed matches what was submitted in the consent documentation. Accepting alternative SIPs without proper certification puts councils at risk of approving non-compliant buildings.

What Council Inspectors Should Look For

To prevent non-compliant product substitutions, BCAs should take the following measures:

  • Check for Formance Branding – Formance SIPs have visible stamps that can be verified during inspections.

  • Look for Formance Branded Shop Drawings – Every Formance project is accompanied by shop drawings that clearly indicate the use of Formance panels. These should be checked that they are genuine Formance branded shop drawings.

  • Verify Installer Certification – Ensure that the installer has completed the CodeMark-approved Formance Industry Training module FIT-301 for installers, providing assurance that they are trained in the correct methodology for installing Formance SIPs.

Supporting a Strong and Compliant SIP Industry

Formance supports a reliable SIP sector in NZ that is built up on proven performance. We acknowledge that there are other legitimate SIP systems in the market and recognise customers have a choice. Our priority is ensuring that all SIP products used in New Zealand meet rigorous compliance requirements to protect homeowners, builders, and regulatory authorities. By maintaining these standards, we can strengthen trust, safety, and long-term confidence in SIP construction.


BCAs play a crucial role in ensuring compliance and protecting the integrity of New Zealand’s building standards. Allowing inferior SIP products to be substituted under the premise of Formance documentation undermines quality, safety, and trust in the consenting process. We urge all processing and inspection teams to remain vigilant and enforce strict adherence to consented materials.

For further information on Formance’s CodeMark certification and compliance resources, visit: