Formance Supply Chain Capabilities
When you choose Formance for your project you're choosing a company with extensive experience in managing a supply chain to deliver projects on time. From our factory in Christchurch, New Zealand, we're supplying projects nationwide.

Raw Material Sourcing
Method has a policy of dual-supply on core raw materials. Being a structural system, Formance is usually specified early in a project, allowing early warning of material requirements to assist in purchasing and forecasting.
OSB (board) is sourced from suppliers in America and Europe. The system is engineered to use OSB grades that are widely available on the international market. At any point in time Method holds between 3-9 months of stock of OSB.
EPS (foam) is sourced from local suppliers with whom close contact is maintained to ensure there is enough raw bead material to fulfil the requirements forecasted.
PUR (adhesive) is sourced from suppliers in the UK and Australia. Careful monitoring of requirements from the forecast ensures adequate stocks of adhesive.
Ensuring Quality & Compliance
For compliance with the NZBC Method chose the difficult path of CodeMark Certification to demonstrate the company’s level of commitment to it’s vision of high performing homes for mainstream New Zealanders. Codemark is a voluntary scheme for product manufacturers to demonstrate compliance with the NZBC. For information on CodeMark refer to website. CodeMark is an unchallengeable form of product assurance. Building consent authorities must accept a CodeMark Certificate as evidence of compliance with the NZBC as long as the product is used in accordance with the use and definitions on the certificate. To obtain certification a company not only has to prove the product technically meets the requirements of the NZBC, but that the company itself is set up and operating a documented production and quality system that can consistently produce products that have the properties and performance that are relied upon by the third-party certifiers of the company’s CodeMark certificate. CodeMark is a stringent scheme that is difficult to obtain and maintain and Method is proud to provide a CodeMark certified SIP system since 2014.

Why we chose the EPS/OSB Recipe for SIPs
The Formance brand was established in 2013 by Method Building Systems with the goal of providing New Zealanders with a high-performance, readily available, and fully compliant Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) solution for mainstream housing.
The Formance system is identical in composition and manufacturing methods to the regular SIP (OSB facings, EPS core) found throughout North America. In North America buildings made from SIPs have been in service in various climates for many years. Variations of facing materials (for example plywood) are available for specific applications.
Method chose the widely used and supported variety of SIP (over 90% of all SIPs in North America are OSB/EPS), to tap into the vast wealth of engineering studies, and testing from North America on what is regarded as the mainstream SIP. By manufacturing the same type, technical data used offshore is valid as a point of reference for engineering the solution for New Zealand. This, coupled with local engineering support and testing ensure a strong technical solution that is right for the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC) environment. With systems in place that ensure a reliable supply chain Method is confident these alternatives will not be needed, but for a company considering the Formance system the knowledge that many other factories around the world make the same basic SIP recipe de-risks the supply chain.

Supplying you/your project
From our factory in Christchurch, New Zealand we're supplying projects nationwide. We will keep in touch with you to discuss when the panels are required on site and deliver accordingly. Our experienced team will ensure on time delivery and a stacking order that matches your build sequence. We have large quantities of raw materials in stock at all times, and excellent relationships with our local suppliers.
What about volume housing projects or commercial buildings? Typically our significant stock holding of raw materials is sufficient for even the larger projects. If required we can make arrangements for indent ordering to secure raw material rates and quantities.
Method has an excellent supply record of on-time delivery and we take pride in ensuring projects go smoothly from the drawing board to site. We look forward to talking to you about how we can keep up with your housing delivery program.