Green Building with Formance

Formance panels make wonderful living spaces that's for sure, they save energy and improve well-being. But what about the environment?

What about the polystyrene?

Simply put Formance panels are one of the greenest ways to build.

Responsible use of timber resources, coupled with expanded polystyrene, the only commercially recyclable rigid foam, combine for the most eco-friendly choice for building materials. Rigid foam is the best insulator, and expanded polystyrene is the only one that is commercially recycled. Check out all the depots here; 

Panels are pre-cut so there is no site waste, and studies have shown that the whole-of-life CO2 emissions are only 10% of the emissions from the equivalent timber frame building over the life of the building.

How much of a positive environmental impact could you make by choosing Formance on your project?