Mid-Build Open Home in Tasman coming up!

We're holding a mid-build open home with Garry and the team from Tasman Homes! An awesome opportunity for a Friday afternoon outing (and a quick escape from home or the office!). The perfect chance to see Formance SIPs for yourself, and there will be team members from Tasman Homes and Formance who will be happy to answer any of your questions about building high-performance!


17 Highland Drive, Nelson, Tasman - The views are just stunning! 


Friday 7th May, 10 am - 12 pm


There's no cost! Attendance is free.

Who will be there?

Team members from Tasman Homes and Formance will be there to answer any of your questions about building with Formance SIPs. The architect, Richard Sellars, from Continuum Architecture will also be there.

More Information...

Registration is required. You will receive a follow-up e-mail before the event, providing further information. Please respect all safety requirements and signage on the build site. 

Click here to register!