Aza Hawkins

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Posts by Aza Hawkins for News

Building for Climate Change: SIP panels explained

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NZ commits to becoming carbon zero by 2050In 2016, New Zealand committed to The Paris Agreement, a global agreement that commits all countries to take action on climate change.

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Craft Homes - Documentary out now!

3d render of our finished design for our passive house in raglan orig v2

Building for a warmer, drier, healthier, and more sustainable living environment. Craft Homes is family-run residential construction business based in Auckland, New Zealand.

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All about thermal bridging - How to Homestar v5 Seminar


Are you ready for Homestar v5? From 1 July 2022, all new Homestar projects must register with Homestar v5 – the most ambitious version of Homestar ever.

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Green Abode Mid Build Open Home in Greytown

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We're excited to bring an event to you from our Wellington Build Partners, Green Abode.

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Struggling to get timber framing?

Struggling to get timber framing 2

"New Zealand is battling a shortage of timber for housing", "Builders warn customers to expect delays as timber shortage hits New Zealand" and "Unfinished homes as severe building supply shortages…

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Introducing the Formance Cabin Range

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Are you suffering from cabin fever?   Now you can break free with the new range of pre-designed Formance Cabin panel packages, adding more space and flexibility to your property.

Read more about 'Introducing the Formance Cabin Range'...

What is the History of SIPs?

SIP Usonian Houses and Frank Lloyd Wright v2

Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are not a new building system.

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Testimonial Video from Cashmere Hills build

chatterton builders cashmere high performing energy efficient hill build and sips 8 v4

This architectural home has been designed to passive house principles.

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Their NZ home in winter was never colder than 19 degrees!

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Being unsatisfied with the current building practices with such low insulation requirements in New Zealand, Nelson couple Allan & Val set out to find a way to build that would…

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New year, new insulation requirements

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In accordance with the Paris Treaty of 2016, New Zealand is committed to being carbon-neutral by 2050.

Read more about 'New year, new insulation requirements'...

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