Formance News & Event Updates
Welcome to the Formance news section. This is our blog where you'll find company news, updates, industry insights, and information about upcoming events.
Formance at DesignEX 2015
We had a blinder! A huge thank you to all the wonderful people who came along to meet us and see a SIP building in action at DesignEx 21-23 June 2015.…
Are hollow walls past their used by date?
Firstly what do we mean by hollow-wall construction? We’re talking about the classic and currently ubiquitous way in which the vast majority of residential dwellings are being constructed.
Read more about 'Are hollow walls past their used by date?'...
What you need to know about Batts
Batts, an excellent solution to insulation when the importance of increased insulation was realised in the late 1950's.